Technology Services

We offer a wide range of services to our clients. We work with a company to take their business ideas and bring them to life with a production-level environment that can be turned over to a full-time team for future support or can be taken to investors as a proof of concept. We work with our clients to develop a set of requirements to deliver an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to allow them to get to market quickly to test out their concepts and build a customer base. We can handle all aspects of the technology including requirements gathering, cloud hosting, Backend business services, databases, mobile and web development, and much more. We use a very agile and low-friction methodology to help you get to market as soon as possible.

Every year we choose a set of technologies to use in our process. We try to use the latest technologies that are widely adopted with readily available resources on the market. The key is to be able to easily hire additional staff with that skill set on the market at reasonable rates. Also, we want to choose technologies that will be well understood by investors so that if you desire to sell the company that will not be a hurdle.

General Offering

We are super flexible in working with our clients. Our experience with non-technical clients has been to be able to quickly develop a solution for them that covers all the areas needed with minimal cost. This should be production-ready and easy to grow and maintain as demand increases.

Some the of areas we feel contribute to a complete solution include:

  • Back-end business processing software that allows for easy access from web and mobile applications as well as the ability in the future to offer an API for your partners. All the business logic is contained here to keep it safe and secure and to allow it to be flexible and scalable.
  • Database storage which allows you to store the data in an organized fashion adapted to your needs. We use a variety of database technologies depending on the needs of the application but always use widely adopted technologies
  • Payment Integration is key to being able to generate revenue for your company. Since this is not a key differentiator for most clients we integrate with leading companies to make sure the data is held safe and secure and supported by companies that specialize in that business area.
  • Security is another area that is typically not a key differentiator for most clients. Again we try to use leading companies or technologies so that we are not responsible for maintaining that skill set and we work with companies that specialize in security and therefore have a better solution that we could develop on our own.
  • Web and Mobile applications. We typically use a technology that allows us to develop one set of code and offer it on the Web platform as well as the IOS and Android platforms. This keeps costs down and reduces the skillset and staff that you need to get your company started. In the future, you may decide to develop these with different technologies and hire staff with expertise in areas such as IOS, Android, and Web technologies and spawn off independent offerings in those areas.
  • Documentation is key for any solution. We use technologies that automatically generate the documentation for the back-end solution. We also produce documentation to allow developers to set up their systems from scratch to quickly contribute to the effort. There is also detailed documentation of how the hosting solution was set up and configured using best practices.
  • Offline Development is key for the workforce today. Many of us develop at home or on the road. Our solutions are designed to allow developers to continue to be productive even if access to the internet is limited or non-existent.
  • Testing is key to the stability of any system. It also gives confidence to new development staff that they can make changes without damaging the system and that makes them more productive from the beginning. We strive to meet 80-90% test coverage of our backend code and an agreed-upon number for the front end while balancing return on investment.
  • Hosting is another key aspect of the solution. We design from the start to allow you to offer the solution to your customer base. We typically deploy the production system on either AWS or Google Firebase/Cloud. This allows you to get up and running quickly sometimes with 1 year of free services and avoid the need to purchase and support your hardware and software.
  • We also work with our clients to include other needed services such as Email, Messaging, and more.